As of September 30 2015, however, it's subverted as he picks up where he left off. Final Fantasy X initially ended this way as well after the death of Id's PlayStation 2.As of 2013 though, nothing has come of it. Aborted Arc: At the end of his Clock Tower 3 LP, Id showed off what appeared to be an LP of Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven.The Dark Id (and his Let's Plays) provides examples of: Parasite Eve - The Worst Foe Lies Within the Self.The Silver Case: Suda51 Would Like For You To KILL THE PAST.Drakengard ( Milestone Celebration of the 10 year anniversary he started the let's play of it).Mobile Suit Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket.Lara Croft Tomb Raider - The Cradle of Life.Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light (OVA).The Great Mission to Save Princess Peach!.Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex.Twin Peaks (Includes all two seasons and "Fire Walk With Me").Resident Evil 4 (In celebration of ten years of doing Let's Plays) (Completed).Kingdom Hearts - SORA! DONALD! GOOFY! Bad Idea Zone ~ Tetsuya Nomura REVENGENCE.Resident Evil: Revelations - Oh god it's Resident Evil again! note Description taken from the Youtube video.Shadow Hearts Covenant - Reach Out and Punch Someone.Koudelka - Shadow Hearts 0 (Alternate Title: A thief, a psychic and a priest walk into a bar in Wales.).NieR: Automata - For the Glory of Mankind.I Am Setsuna: Piano & Snow Trigger a Sense of Nostalgia.The 3rd Birthday - The Assassination of Aya Brea by the Coward Square-Enix.(Warning, Story Might Be Stupid!)" (Also includes the Golden Ending of Final Fantasy X-2) Once Again note Original thread, interrupted by the death of Id's PS2, was " Listen to My Story. Drakengard! 3! (Includes all of the DLC as well as Character Stories).Metal Gear: Ghost Babel - Rated E for Everyone! (Includes a playthrough of External Gazer as well as a transcript of the IdeaSpy radio play.).Who You Gonna Call? Let's Play The Blackwell Legacy.

Xenogears - Stand Tall and Shake the Heavens!.Drakengard 2 - That Other, Much Stupider Continuity.Chrono Cross: Pulling The Trigger on Pan-Dimensional Fanfics.Limbo of the Lost and Wirehead: Please Stop Breaking My Fourth Wall.Drakengard: What the Fuck.? What the Fuck?!.Let's Make Final Fantasy VII Into a Footnote ( Dirge of Cerberus).Onimusha: Warlords - Addressing History's Dire Lack of Zombies.In Which a 12-Year Old Takes a Sledgehammer to the Face.The Most Unnecessary Prequel Ever - Resident Evil 0.Suffering Through Survival Horror - Resident Evil Dead Aim.Let's Play Some Resident Evil ( Raccoon City Jamboree).Let's Play Resident Evil – Code: Veronica X (which included a Show Within a Show playthrough of Resident Evil: Survivor).